* PNP4NAGIOS template for check_traceroute_pingplot from 2016-07-27
* (c) 2014 by Frederic Krueger /
* Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
* There is no warranty of any kind, explicit or implied, for anything this software does or does not do.
* The accompanying software's homepage can be found here:
* This is coming with check_traceroute_pingplot v0.1.2
* Requires: pnp4nagios
## options
$graphtype = "nice"; # nice, boring
$coloring = "rainbow-small"; # nice, boring, rainbow, rainbow-small
$coloringoffset = 2; # start coloring at offset x in the chosen coloring scheme
$DEBUG = 0;
## a few color schemes
$oldschoolcolors = array ( # enough for 28 hops name: oldschool
'dark' => array(
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4', # purple
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4', # purple
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4', # purple
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4' # purple
'light' => array(
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec', # purple
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec', # purple
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec', # purple
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec' # purple
$rainbowcolors = array( # enough for 51 hops name: rainbow
'dark' => array(
"000000", "0009f3", "011bdb", "022dc3", "033fab", "045193", "04627b", "057463",
"06864b", "079833", "08aa1b", "14b70e", "2dbe0d", "46c60b", "5ece0a", "77d508",
"90dd07", "a9e405", "c1ec04", "daf402", "f3fb01", "fffa00", "fff100", "ffe800",
"ffdf00", "ffd500", "ffcc00", "ffc300", "ffba00", "ffb100", "ffa700", "ff9900",
"ff8800", "ff7800", "ff6700", "ff5700", "ff4600", "ff3600", "ff2500", "ff1500",
"ff0400", "f2000a", "e20018", "d10025", "c00033", "af0041", "9e004e", "8e005c",
"7d0069", "6c0077", "5b0085"
'light' => array( # TODO we need to make this lighter than the above
"000000", "0009f3", "011bdb", "022dc3", "033fab", "045193", "04627b", "057463",
"06864b", "079833", "08aa1b", "14b70e", "2dbe0d", "46c60b", "5ece0a", "77d508",
"90dd07", "a9e405", "c1ec04", "daf402", "f3fb01", "fffa00", "fff100", "ffe800",
"ffdf00", "ffd500", "ffcc00", "ffc300", "ffba00", "ffb100", "ffa700", "ff9900",
"ff8800", "ff7800", "ff6700", "ff5700", "ff4600", "ff3600", "ff2500", "ff1500",
"ff0400", "f2000a", "e20018", "d10025", "c00033", "af0041", "9e004e", "8e005c",
"7d0069", "6c0077", "5b0085"
$rainbowsmallcolors = array( # enough for 25 hops name: rainbow-small
'dark' => array(
"000000", "011bdb", "033fab", "04627b",
"06864b", "08aa1b", "2dbe0d", "5ece0a",
"90dd07", "c1ec04", "f3fb01", "fff100",
"ffdf00", "ffcc00", "ffba00", "ffa700",
"ff8800", "ff6700", "ff4600", "ff2500",
"ff0400", "e20018", "c00033", "9e004e",
'light' => array(
"0009f3", "022dc3", "045193", "057463",
"079833", "14b70e", "46c60b", "77d508",
"a9e405", "daf402", "fffa00", "ffe800",
"ffd500", "ffc300", "ffb100", "ff9900",
"ff7800", "ff5700", "ff3600", "ff1500",
"f2000a", "d10025", "af0041", "8e005c",
$boringcolors = array( # enough for 34 hops name: boring
'dark' => array(
'000000', '101010', '202020', '303030', '404040', '505050', '606060', '707070', '808080', '909090', 'a0a0a0', 'b0b0b0', 'c0c0c0', 'd0d0d0', 'e0e0e0', 'f0f0f0', 'ffffff',
'000000', '101010', '202020', '303030', '404040', '505050', '606060', '707070', '808080', '909090', 'a0a0a0', 'b0b0b0', 'c0c0c0', 'd0d0d0', 'e0e0e0', 'f0f0f0', 'ffffff'
'light' => array(
'080808', '181818', '282828', '383838', '484848', '585858', '686868', '787878', '888888', '989898', 'a8a8a8', 'b8b8b8', 'c8c8c8', 'd8d8d8', 'e8e8e8', 'f8f8f8', 'ffffff',
'080808', '181818', '282828', '383838', '484848', '585858', '686868', '787878', '888888', '989898', 'a8a8a8', 'b8b8b8', 'c8c8c8', 'd8d8d8', 'e8e8e8', 'f8f8f8', 'ffffff'
## main
$opt[1] = " --title \"Accu Ping for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" ";
$opt[1] .= " --font DEFAULT:7: --lower-limit 0 --slope-mode ";
$def[1] = "";
$opt[2] = " --title \"Diff Ping for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" ";
$opt[2] .= " --font DEFAULT:7: --lower-limit 0 --slope-mode ";
$def[2] = "";
$usedcolors = $oldschoolcolors;
if ($coloring == "boring") $usedcolors = $boringcolors;
if ($coloring == "rainbow") $usedcolors = $rainbowcolors;
if ($coloring == "rainbow-small") $usedcolors = $rainbowsmallcolors;
$tmpdef = create_graph ($this->DS, $graphtype, "hop", $usedcolors, $coloringoffset);
if ($DEBUG > 0) $tmpdef = " DEBUG OUTPUT\n $tmpdef ";
if ($tmpdef == "")
$opt[1] = "";
$def[1] = "";
$def[1] = $tmpdef;
$tmpdef = create_graph ($this->DS, $graphtype, "dhop", $usedcolors, $coloringoffset);
if ($DEBUG > 0) $tmpdef = " DEBUG OUTPUT\n $tmpdef ";
if ($tmpdef == "")
$opt[2] = "";
$def[2] = "";
$def[2] = $tmpdef;
## more func
function create_graph ($cur_ds, $graphtype = "nice", $dsprefix = "Hop", $usedcolors = array(), $coloringoffset = 0)
global $DEBUG;
$dsprefixlc = strtolower($dsprefix);
$found_dsprefix = false;
$ds_data = array(); # assoc
$ds_keynames = array(); # 0..99
$ds_names = array();
$tmpdef = ""; # which we return once we re done here
$numcolors = sizeof($usedcolors['dark']);
# make sure coloringoffset is a positive number and is within the color-array range
$coloringoffset = abs($coloringoffset);
$coloringoffset = $coloringoffset % ($numcolors-1);
# 1. collect names and values
$linecnt = 1;
reset ($cur_ds);
foreach ($cur_ds as $key => $val)
if (! isset($ds_data[ $val['NAME'] ])) # key = number (0..99), without leading zeroes
if ((strpos(strtolower($val['NAME']), $dsprefixlc) !== false) and (strpos(strtolower($val['NAME']), $dsprefixlc) == 0))
$ds_data[ sprintf("%015d###%s", $val['MAX'], $val['NAME']) ] = array( 'key' => $key, 'val' => $val );
} # end if new key gotten
$tmpdef .= "DupKey$key: " .$val['NAME']. " ";
} # end if dupe key gotten
} # end foreach name/value collector
# 2. sort data in reverse alphabetical order
reset ($ds_data); krsort ($ds_data);
# 3. get keynames at current position for later referencing
$linecnt = 1;
foreach ($ds_data as $k => $v) # go from back to front because of the nature of traceroute and pings
$ds_keynames["DP$linecnt"] = $k;
$ds_names[$v['val']['NAME']] = "DP$linecnt";
} # end foreach key in order
$curstart = 1; $curend = sizeof($ds_keynames);
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$curk = $ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]; $v = $ds_data [$curk];
$tmpdef .= "DEF:DP${xx}=" .$v['val']['RRDFILE']. ":" .$v['val']['DS']. ":AVERAGE ";
} # end for all dp of image - def
# use cdef to have other than bytes values (ie. 1073741824 => GB, 1024768 => MB)
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$curk = $ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]; $v = $ds_data [$curk];
$s = "DP$xx,";
## The following comment is simply adding up all datapoint values on a given x-position
## $s = $v['key'] .",";
# for ($i=1; $i <= $xx; $i++)
# { $curk = $ds_keynames["DP$i"]; $s .= "DP$i" .","; }
## { $curk = $ds_keynames["Hop$i"]; $s .= $v['key'] .","; }
# for ($i=1; $i <= ($xx-1); $i++)
# { $s .= "+,"; }
# $s .= "UNKN,IF";
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("CDEF:%s%s=%s", $v['val']['NAME'], "", "DP$xx"). " ";
if ($graphtype == "nice")
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("CDEF:%s%s=%s", $v['val']['NAME'], (($DEBUG > 0)?"--".$ds_keynames["DP$xx"]:"area"), "DP${xx},0,GT,DP${xx},UNKN,IF"). " ";
} # end for all dp of image - cdef
# 4. draw stacking lines
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$curk = $ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]; $v = $ds_data [$curk];
$s = "";
if ($dsprefixlc == "dhop")
$s = (($xx > 1) ? ":STACK" : "");
# print it
if ($graphtype == "nice") # 25-1 = 0 bis 24 ; d.h. 24 + offset - (1 bis 16)
$tmpoffset = $coloringoffset+$xx;
if ($tmpoffset >= $numcolors-1) $tmpoffset -= $numcolors -1;
if ($tmpoffset < 0) $tmpoffset += $numcolors-1;
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("AREA:%sarea#%s#000000:\"\"%s", $v['val']['NAME'], $usedcolors['light'][$tmpoffset], $s). " ";
# then overlay with lines of darker colors
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$curk = $ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]; $v = $ds_data [$curk];
# get a fine label
$prtname = $ds_data[$curk]['val']['NAME'];
$prtname = trim(preg_replace ("/_/", " ", $prtname));
$tmpoffset = $coloringoffset+$xx;
if ($tmpoffset >= $numcolors-1) $tmpoffset -= $numcolors -1;
if ($tmpoffset < 0) $tmpoffset += $numcolors-1;
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("LINE1:%s%s#%s:\"%s\"", $v['val']['NAME'], "", $usedcolors['dark'][$tmpoffset], $prtname). " ";
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:%s:\"%s\"", $v['val']['NAME'], "LAST", "Current %6.2lf ms Min Avg Max "). " ";
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:%s:\"%s\"", $v['val']['NAME'], "MIN", "%6.2lf"). " ";
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:%s:\"%s\"", $v['val']['NAME'], "AVERAGE", "%6.2lf"). " ";
$tmpdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:%s:\"%s\\c\"", $v['val']['NAME'], "MAX", "%6.2lf ms"). " ";
$found_dsprefix = true;
$tmpdef .= "COMMENT:\"\\c\" ";
$tmpdef .= "COMMENT:\"check_traceroute_pingplot graph template\\r\" ";
$tmpdef .= "COMMENT:\"Command " . $val['TEMPLATE'] . " (template\: nice)\\r\" ";
# dont return half-finished template, if we didnt get datapoints from the rrd
if ($found_dsprefix != true) { $tmpdef = ""; }
return ($tmpdef);
} # end func nice_graph