* PNP4NAGIOS template for check_quota from 2014-04-23
* (c) 2011,2014 by Frederic Krueger /
* Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
* There is no warranty of any kind, explicit or implied, for anything this software does or does not do.
* The accompanying software's homepage can be found here:
* Requires: pnp4nagios
$graphtype = "nice"; # nice or boring
$coloring = "nice"; # nice or boring, see definitions right below
$unittouse = "GB";
$divtouse = "1073741824";
$DEBUG = 0;
## init
## the coloring
$nicercolors = array (
'dark' => array(
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4' # purple
'light' => array(
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec' # purple
$boringcolors = array(
'dark' => array(
'000000', '222222', '444444', '666666', '888888', 'aaaaaa', 'cccccc', 'eeeeee'
'light' => array(
'111111', '333333', '555555', '777777', '999999', 'bbbbbb', 'dddddd', 'ffffff'
## main
$usedcolors = ($coloring == "nice" ? $nicercolors : $boringcolors);
$images = array();
if ($graphtype == "nice")
$images = nice_graph ($this->DS, "user", $usedcolors, $unittouse, $divtouse);
$images = dflt_graph ($this->DS, "user", $usedcolors, $unittouse, $divtouse);
$numcolors = sizeof($usedcolors['dark']);
# now create the picture defs
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($images); $i++)
$curstart = $images[$i]['start'];
$curend = $images[$i]['end'];
$curdef = $images[$i]['def'];
$txtrank = "$curstart to $curend";
$opt[$i] = " --title \"Used disk space (Rank $txtrank) for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" ";
$opt[$i] .= " --font DEFAULT:7: --slope-mode " .($graphtype == "nice" ? " --right-axis $divtouse:0 " : "");
$def[$i] = $curdef;
$ds_name[$i] = "Used disk space - Rank $txtrank";
## fin.
function nice_graph ($cur_ds, $dsprefix = "temp", $usedcolors = array(), $unittouse = "GB", $divtouse = 1073741824)
global $DEBUG;
$numcolors = sizeof($usedcolors['dark']);
$dsprefixlc = strtolower($dsprefix);
$ds_data = array(); # assoc
$ds_keynames = array(); # "DP<num>" => array(key,val)
$ds_names = array(); # assoc val['NAME'] => "DP<num>"
$tmpdef = ""; # which we return once we re done here
# 1. collect names and values
$linecnt = 1;
reset ($cur_ds);
foreach ($cur_ds as $key => $val)
$val['NAME'] = preg_replace ("/#/", "_", $val['NAME']);
if (! isset($ds_data[ $val['NAME'] ])) # key = number (0..99), without leading zeroes
if ((strpos(strtolower($val['NAME']), $dsprefixlc) !== false) and (strpos(strtolower($val['NAME']), $dsprefixlc) == 0))
$ds_data[ sprintf("%015d###%s", $val['ACT'], $val['NAME']) ] = array( 'key' => $key, 'val' => $val );
} # end if new key gotten
$tmpdef .= "DupKey$key: " .$val['NAME']. " ";
} # end if dupe key gotten
} # end foreach name/value collector
$lastds=$linecnt-1; # ds_data goes from 1..$lastds
# the following is the number of images we are going to create.
$numofimages = floor($lastds / $numcolors);
if (($numofimages == 0) and ($lastds > 0)) { $numofimages = 1; }
# 2. sort data in reverse alphabetical order
reset ($ds_data); krsort ($ds_data);
# 3. get keynames at current position for later referencing
$linecnt = 1;
foreach ($ds_data as $k => $v) # go from back to front because of the nature of traceroute and pings
$ds_keynames["DP$linecnt"] = $k;
$ds_names[$v['val']['NAME']] = "DP$linecnt";
} # end foreach key in order
$images = array();
# 4. create images
for ($num = $numofimages; $num > 0; $num--)
$curnum = $numofimages - $num;
$curdef = "";
$curstart = $curnum * $numcolors +1;
$curend = (($curnum+1) * $numcolors);
if ($curend > $lastds) { $curend = $lastds; }
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$v = $ds_data [$ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]];
$curdef .= "DEF:DP${xx}=" .$v['val']['RRDFILE']. ":" .$v['val']['DS']. ":AVERAGE ";
} # end for all dp of image - def
# use cdef to have other than bytes values (ie. 1073741824 => GB, 1024768 => MB)
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$v = $ds_data [$ds_keynames["DP${xx}"]];
$curdef .= sprintf ("CDEF:%s%s=%s", $v['val']['NAME'], ($DEBUG?"--".$ds_keynames["DP$xx"]:""), "DP$xx,$divtouse,/"). " ";
} # end for all dp of image - cdef
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$s = ""; # in case we wanna :STACK later
$curprek = "DP${xx}";
$curk = "";
# get a fine label
$prtname = "";
if (isset($ds_keynames[$curprek]))
$curk = $ds_keynames[$curprek];
$prtname = $ds_data[$curk]['val']['NAME'];
{ $prtname = "${dsprefix}_$xx"; }
$prtname = preg_replace ("/_/", " ", $prtname);
$prtname = sprintf ("%-15s", substr($prtname, 0, 15));
$curdef .= "AREA:" .$ds_data[$curk]['val']['NAME']. "#" .$usedcolors['light'][($xx-1)%$numcolors]. ":\"$prtname\" ";
$curdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:LAST:\" Cur %s %s\" ", $ds_data [$curk]['val']['NAME'], "%9.3lf", $unittouse);
$curdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:MIN:\" Min Avg Max %s %s\" ", $ds_data [$curk]['val']['NAME'], "%9.3lf", $unittouse);
$curdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:AVERAGE:\"%s %s\" ", $ds_data [$curk]['val']['NAME'], "%9.3lf", $unittouse);
$curdef .= sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:MAX:\"%s %s\\c\" ", $ds_data [$curk]['val']['NAME'], "%9.3lf", $unittouse);
} # end for all dp of image - area
for ($xx = $curstart; $xx <= $curend; $xx++)
$curdef .= sprintf ("LINE1:%s#%s", $ds_data [ $ds_keynames["DP$xx"] ]['val']['NAME'], $usedcolors['dark'][floor($xx-1)%$numcolors]). " ";
} # end for all dp of image - line1
$curdef .= "COMMENT:\"Command " .$val['TEMPLATE']. " (template\: nice_graph)\\r\" ";
$images[$curnum] = array('start' => $curstart, 'end' => $curend, 'def' => $curdef);
} # end for all created images
return $images;
} # end func nice_graph
function dflt_graph ($cur_ds, $dsprefix = "temp", $usedcolors = array(), $unittouse = "GB", $divtouse = 1073741824)
global $DEBUG;
$tmpdef = "";
$numcolors = sizeof($usedcolors['dark']);
foreach ($cur_ds as $key => $val)
if ((strpos($val['NAME'], $dsprefix) !== false) and (strpos($val['NAME'], $dsprefix) >= 0))
$curcolor = (isset($usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt%7])) ? $usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt%7] : $usedcolors['light'][$linecnt%7];
$tmpdef .= "DEF:DP${key}=" .$val['RRDFILE']. ":" .$val['DS']. ":AVERAGE ";
$tmpdef .= "LINE1:DP${key}#${curcolor}:\"" .sprintf("%-25s", $val['NAME']). "\" ";
$tmpdef .= "GPRINT:DP${key}:LAST:\"Current %6.4lf %S" .$val['UNIT']. "\" ";
$tmpdef .= "GPRINT:DP${key}:AVERAGE:\"Average %6.4lf %S" .$val['UNIT']. "\\l\" ";
$tmpdef .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" ";
$tmpdef .= "COMMENT:\"Command " . $val['TEMPLATE'] . " (template\: dflt_graph)\\r\" ";
return array('start' => 1, 'end' => $linecnt, 'def' => $tmpdef);
} # end func dflt_graph