* (c) 2013,2017 by Frederic Krueger /
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* There is no warranty of any kind, explicit or implied, for anything this software does or does not do.
* Updates for this piece of software could be available under the following URL:
* GIT:
* Home:
* Requires: pnp4nagios
* On my testrig, this graph template looks good in "nice" mode most of the time; only really works nicely
* on data with linear distances between the datasources' datapoints though. It still beats the default template, IMO.
## options
$coloring = "nice"; # nice or boring, see right below..
$tempgraph = "funky"; # nice or funky
## coloring
$nicercolors = array (
'dark' => array(
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4', # purple
'cc3118', 'cc7016', 'c9b215', # red orange yellow
'24bc14', '1598c3', 'b415c7', # green blue pink
'4d18e4' # purple
'light' => array(
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec', # purple
'ea644a', 'ec9d48', 'ecd748', # red orange yellow
'54ec48', '48c4ec', 'de48ec', # green blue pink
'7648ec' # purple
$boringcolors = array(
'dark' => array(
'000000', '222222', '444444', '666666', '888888', 'aaaaaa', 'cccccc', 'eeeeee'
'light' => array(
'111111', '333333', '555555', '777777', '999999', 'bbbbbb', 'dddddd', 'ffffff'
$temp_min = 0; # blue coloring for 0 deg. Celsius
$temp_max = 40; # red coloring for 40 deg. Celsius
$tempcolors = array(
## init
$opt[1] = " --title \"Current energy usage (in W) for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" ";
$opt[1] .= " --slope-mode ";
$def[1] = "";
$opt[2] = " --title \"Total energy usage (in KW/h) for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" ";
$opt[2] .= " --slope-mode ";
$def[2] = "";
$opt[3] = " --title \"Temperature (in deg. Celsius) for " . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'] . ' / ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_SERVICEDESC'] . "\" --lower-limit $temp_min --upper-limit $temp_max ";
$opt[3] .= " --slope-mode ";
$def[3] = "";
## main
$usedcolors = ($coloring == "nice" ? $nicercolors : $boringcolors);
// XXX we need to do this, because pnp4nagios has gone completely braindead and redefines functions over and over again for eg. pnp4nagios host-pages
if (! function_exists ("gettrans") )
function gettrans ($name = "")
$transtable = array(
'_status' => array(
'unit' => '0=off,1=on',
'ratio' => 'INF',
'prtformat' => '%1.0lf',
'prtformatshort' => '%1.0lf'
'_actual' => array(
'unit' => 'kW',
'ratio' => 1000,
'prtformat' => '%7.5lf',
'prtformatshort' => '%6.4lf'
'_total' => array(
'unit' => 'kWh',
'ratio' => 1,
'prtformat' => '%7.3lf',
'prtformatshort' => '%5.2lf'
'_temperature' => array(
'unit' => 'C',
'ratio' => 1,
'prtformat' => '%2.1lf',
'prtformatshort' => '%2.1lf'
$unit = "";
$ratio = 1;
$prtformat = "%9.4lf";
$prtformatsh = "%7.2lf";
reset ($transtable);
foreach ($transtable as $k => $v)
if (strpos($name, $k) !== false)
return ($v); # specific values from transtable
return (array('unit' => $unit, 'color' => '', 'ratio' => $ratio, 'prtformat' => $prtformat, 'prtformatshort' => $prtformatshort)); # defaults
} // end func gettrans
} // end if wasnt defined already
$rrdstatus = array(
'1defs' => array(),
'2cdefs' => array(),
'3areas' => array(),
'4line1s' => array(),
'5gprints' => array()
$rrdtotal = array(
'1defs' => array(),
'2cdefs' => array(),
'3areas' => array(),
'4line1s' => array(),
'5gprints' => array()
$rrdcurrent = array(
'1defs' => array(),
'2cdefs' => array(),
'3areas' => array(),
'4line1s' => array(),
'5gprints' => array()
$rrdtemp = array(
'1defs' => array(),
'2cdefs' => array(),
'3areas' => array(),
'4line1s' => array(),
'5gprints' => array()
// the following is for the temperature graph
$num_tempcolors = sizeof($tempcolors) -1;
$temp_step = ($temp_max - $temp_min) / $num_tempcolors;
$arractual = array();
reset ($this->DS);
foreach ($this->DS as $key => $val)
if (strpos($val['NAME'], "_energy") !== false) { continue; }
$tmpinfo = gettrans ($val['NAME']);
$ratio = $tmpinfo['ratio'];
$unit = $tmpinfo['unit'];
$prtformat = $tmpinfo['prtformat'];
$prtformatsh = $tmpinfo['prtformatshort'];
$dscolor = $usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt-1];
$fmtlinecnt = sprintf ("%04ld", $linecnt);
$arractual[ sprintf("%012.6f--%s", $val['ACT'], $val['NAME']) ] = "$fmtlinecnt";
$dsname = "DP${linecnt}";
$dsnamescaled = "DP${linecnt}S";
if (strpos($val['NAME'], "_total") !== false)
$rrdtotal['1defs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s ", $dsname, $val['RRDFILE'], $val['DS'], "AVERAGE");
$rrdtotal['2cdefs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s=%s,%s,* ", $dsnamescaled, $dsname, $ratio);
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_status") !== false)
$rrdstatus['1defs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s ", $dsname, $val['RRDFILE'], $val['DS'], "AVERAGE");
$rrdstatus['2cdefs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s=%s,%s,* ", $dsnamescaled, $dsname, $ratio);
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_temperature") !== false)
$rrdtemp['1defs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s ", $dsname, $val['RRDFILE'], $val['DS'], "AVERAGE");
$rrdtemp['2cdefs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s=%s,%s,* ", $dsnamescaled, $dsname, $ratio);
for ($x = 0; $x <= $num_tempcolors; $x++)
$curtemp = $temp_min + $x * $temp_step;
$rrdtemp['2cdefs'][sprintf("%s%03d", $fmtlinecnt, $x)] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s%03d=%s,%4.2f,GE,%4.2f,%4.2f,IF ", $dsnamescaled, $x, $dsnamescaled, $curtemp, $curtemp, $temp_min, $dsnamescaled);
$rrdcurrent['1defs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s ", $dsname, $val['RRDFILE'], $val['DS'], "AVERAGE");
$rrdcurrent['2cdefs']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s=%s,%s,* ", $dsnamescaled, $dsname, $ratio);
if (strpos($val['NAME'], "_total") !== false)
$rrdtotal['3areas']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("AREA:%s#%s ", $dsnamescaled, $usedcolors['light'][$linecnt-1]);
$rrdtotal['4line1s']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("LINE1:%s#%s:\"%s\" ", $dsnamescaled, $usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt-1], $val['NAME']);
# the following is adding black background, which is not shown when the switch of the device is turned on (ie. status=1)
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_status") !== false)
$rrdstatus['2cdefs']["${fmtlinecnt}bg"] = sprintf ("CDEF:%s=%s,INF,+ ", $dsnamescaled."_bg", $dsname);
$rrdstatus['3areas']["${fmtlinecnt}bg"] = sprintf ("AREA:%s#%s ", $dsnamescaled."_bg", "00000080");
$rrdstatus['3areas']["${fmtlinecnt}fg"] = sprintf ("AREA:%s#%s:\"Device is on\" ", $dsnamescaled, "c0c0c080", $val['NAME']);
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_temperature") !== false)
for ($x = $num_tempcolors; $x >= 0; $x--)
$curtemp = $temp_min + $x * $temp_step;
$cnt = ($tempgraph != "funky") ? ($num_tempcolors - $x) : $x;
$rrdtemp['3areas'][sprintf("%s%03d", $fmtlinecnt, $cnt)] = sprintf ("AREA:%s%03d#%s ", $dsnamescaled, $x, $tempcolors[$num_tempcolors-$x]);
# $rrdtemp['4line1s']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("LINE1:%s#%s:\"%s\" ", $dsnamescaled, $usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt-1], $val['NAME']);
$rrdcurrent['3areas']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("AREA:%s#%s ", $dsnamescaled, $usedcolors['light'][$linecnt-1]);
$rrdcurrent['4line1s']["$fmtlinecnt"] = sprintf ("LINE1:%s#%s:\"%s\" ", $dsnamescaled, $usedcolors['dark'][$linecnt-1], $val['NAME']);
if (strpos($val['NAME'], "_status") !== false)
# show nothing
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_total") !== false)
$rrdtotal['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}1"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:LAST:\"%s\: Cur %s %s\\c\" ", $dsname, $val['NAME'], $prtformat, $unit);
elseif (strpos($val['NAME'], "_temperature") !== false)
$rrdtemp['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}1"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:LAST:\"%s\: Cur %s %s\\c\" ", $dsname, $val['NAME'], $prtformat, $unit);
$rrdcurrent['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}1"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:LAST:\"%s\: Cur %s Min Avg Max\" ", $dsname, $val['NAME'], $prtformat);
$rrdcurrent['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}2"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:MIN:\"%s\" ", $dsname, $prtformatsh);
$rrdcurrent['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}3"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:AVERAGE:\"%s\" ", $dsname, $prtformatsh);
$rrdcurrent['5gprints']["${fmtlinecnt}4"] = sprintf ("GPRINT:%s:MAX:\"%s %s\\l\" ", $dsname, $prtformatsh, $unit);
## now create the graphs
## the current one
foreach ($rrdcurrent as $k => $v)
if ($k == "5gprints") { $def[1] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" COMMENT:\"\\r\" "; }
ksort ($rrdstatus[$k]);
foreach ($rrdstatus[$k] as $k2 => $v2)
$def[1] .= $v2;
ksort ($v);
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2)
$def[1] .= $v2;
$def[1] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" ";
$def[1] .= "COMMENT:\"Command " . $val['TEMPLATE'] . " (template\: Current energy usage)\\r\" ";
## and the total one
foreach ($rrdtotal as $k => $v)
if ($k == "5gprints") { $def[2] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" COMMENT:\"\\r\" "; }
ksort ($rrdstatus[$k]);
foreach ($rrdstatus[$k] as $k2 => $v2)
$def[2] .= $v2;
ksort ($v);
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2)
$def[2] .= $v2;
$def[2] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" ";
$def[2] .= "COMMENT:\"Command " . $val['TEMPLATE'] . " (template\: Total energy usage)\\r\" ";
## and the temperature graph
foreach ($rrdtemp as $k => $v)
if ($k == "5gprints") { $def[3] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" COMMENT:\"\\r\" "; }
ksort ($rrdtemp[$k]);
foreach ($rrdtemp[$k] as $k2 => $v2)
$def[3] .= $v2;
$def[3] .= "COMMENT:\"\\r\" ";
$def[3] .= "COMMENT:\"Command " . $val['TEMPLATE'] . " (template\: Temperature)\\r\" ";